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Top 3 tips to manage acne & how to take acne patient history

Dr Dianne King gives her top three tips for managing acne patients and discusses how to take acne patient history.

tips to manage acne
HealthCert Education
1 minute read

How do you manage patients presenting in your practice with acne? In this short video, Dr Dianne King gives her top three tips for managing acne patients and shares her advice on how to take an effective acne patient history to best inform your management plan.

For further information on this topic, you may be interested to learn more about the HealthCert Professional Diploma program in General Dermatology.

In the video, Dr King gives practical advice for acne management. She recommends throwing away all the skincare products in the patient's cupboard and starting from scratch, as many patients adopt a complicated skincare regime consisting of over-the-counter products that aren't necessarily ideal to treat their acne-prone skin.

Instead, Dr King suggests the use of a retinoid, a good sunscreen and a cleanser as the building blocks of the patient's skincare regime, and then antibiotics can be introduced once the patient's skin barrier has been restored.

Dr King also talks about the benefits of LED light therapy for treating acne – a simple and affordable treatment that can be delivered in the primary care setting.

She discusses the importance of treating every patient no matter the severity of their acne, because even a mild case can be debilitating for a patient's self-esteem and lead to bigger social issues. But she also explains when to refer onwards to a specialist dermatologist.

Dr King further provides her advice for taking an effective acne patient history to best inform your management plan!

Watch the full video now:


For further information on this topic, you may be interested to learn more about the HealthCert Professional Diploma program in General Dermatology.

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