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Dermatology case discussion: How would you manage this male with acne?

What is your management plan for this 15-year-old male patient presenting with acne, which has worsened in the past year?

case discussion
HealthCert Education
1 minute read

In this month's general dermatology case discussion, we look at a 15-year-old male patient presenting with acne, which has worsened in the past year.

The patient works in the building industry with his father, who also had acne. He drinks Powerade and lots of milk. He is using Cetaphil cleanser.


  • Mainly comedonal acne, occasional pustule​
  • Scarring on forehead​
  • Reasonable cleansing on skin scope

What is your treatment plan for this patient?

Clinical images 1-2

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Clinical images 2


Dr Dianne King's treatment plan was:

  • 4/52 Erythromycin 400 mg bd
  • 4/52 Blue/Red LED
  • Topical Retrieve nocte
  • SPF 50 daily

Review after 4 months:

Acne initially improved after LED therapy, but worsened when the patient returned to school and wore a mask. Wood’s light showed blocked pores despite cleanser and Retrieve.

Treatment plan was revised:

  • Change erythromycin to trimethoprim 300 mg daily
  • Change to foaming cleanser
  • Mask exemption
  • Change to Retrieve to Differin gel

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Review after 6 months:




General Dermatology case discussion presented and moderated by Dr Dianne King and brought to you by La Roche Posay.

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