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Insurance for skin cancer work

How to ensure your procedural and non-procedural skin cancer work is appropriately covered by your medical indemnity insurance.

HealthCert Education
1 minute read

How can you find the right level of medical indemnity insurance for your skin cancer work? In this short video, Associate Professor Tony Dicker discusses how to ensure your procedural and non-procedural skin cancer work is appropriately covered by your insurer.

For further information on this topic, you may be interested to learn more about the HealthCert Professional Diploma program in Skin Cancer Surgery.

Watch the short video now:



In the video, A/Prof Dicker explains that most practitioners in Australia have medical indemnity insurance covering procedural and non-procedural work.

''Most companies have very different definitions of what they think you should be insured for,'' says A/Prof Dicker.

''Some companies have specific categories for skin cancer doctors and these can be cheaper.''

The most important thing is to ensure you're insured for what you do. A/Prof Dicker recommends writing down the types of procedures you do and asking your insurer ''am I covered for this?'' on an annual basis.

Your indemnity insurance can be adjusted depending on whether you practise full-time in skin cancer or part-time in general practice, and so on.

Watch all this and much more in the full video above!


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