Advice for doctors starting skin cancer procedural work
Watch Associate Professor Tony Dicker's advice for doctors who want to start out in skin cancer procedural work in their practice.

HealthCert Education
Catch Associate Professor Tony Dicker's advice for starting out in skin cancer procedural work.
In this video, skin cancer surgeon A/Prof Tony Dicker — who is an expert instructor for HealthCert's skin cancer surgery workshops — shares his advice for doctors who want to start doing skin cancer procedural work in their primary care practice.
A/Prof Dicker speaks about the importance of mastering skin lesion diagnosis before you learn to treat malignancies, garnering referrals from colleagues within your practice, and equipping yourself with the right tools to get started offering skin cancer surgery procedures.
See all this and more in the full video below.
Watch the video with A/Prof Tony Dicker:
Interested to learn more from A/Prof Tony Dicker? Alongside Dr Tony Azzi, he will run a practical two-day workshop (Skin Cancer Surgery From A-Z) in Brisbane on 15-16 August 2025. Learn more.
Explore more articles, podcasts, videos, and webinars in skin cancer.