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Guidelines for the treatment of atopic dermatitis in children

Dr Vincenzo Piccolo explores the latest guidelines for the treatment of atopic dermatitis in children.

dermatitis in children
HealthCert Education
1 minute read

In this latest update in the field of general dermatology, Dr Vincenzo Piccolo explores the latest guidelines on the treatment of atopic dermatitis in children.

For further information on this topic, learn more in the HealthCert's online Professional Diploma program in General Dermatology.

In this video, Dr Piccolo walks through the most up-to-date, comprehensive guidelines on how to approach the treatment of paediatric atopic dermatitis.

Dr Piccolo explores baseline therapies (including emollients, avoidance of allergens, and educational programs), and then explains the step-up scale of treatment options available for children with atopic dermatitis depending on the severity of the condition, moving from mild to moderate to severe cases.

He also discusses a special part of the guidelines dedicated to "the patient perspective" and explains why this is an important part of any therapeutic approach.

Learn about all this and much more in the full video below, and explore the HealthCert online Professional Diploma program in General Dermatology.

Watch the full video with Dr Vincenzo Piccolo:


Watch another update with Dr Vincenzo Piccolo: Top 5 differential diagnosis  of atopic dermatitis children

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