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How to identify collision tumours

Skin cancer update video: Prof Giuseppe Argenziano provides an update on identifying & managing collision tumours in a primary care or skin cancer practice.

collision tumours
HealthCert Education
1 minute read

In his latest skin cancer update video, Professor Giuseppe Argenziano provides a comprehensive update on identifying and managing collision tumours in a primary care or skin cancer practice.

For further information on this topic, you may be interested to learn more about the HealthCert Professional Diploma program in Dermoscopy.

Collision tumours are two or more benign or malignant tumours combined together. It is usually a coincidental phenomenon, rather than a causal one.

In the short video, Prof Argenziano looks at real patient cases to showcase various examples of collision tumours, including the dermoscopic features and how these cases are managed.

See all this and much more in the full video below!

Watch the full video now:





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