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Actinic keratosis field cancerisation

Prof David Wilkinson shares research pieces on actinic keratosis and associated field cancerisation, and a caution against new radiotherapy treatments.

actinic keratosis
HealthCert Education
1 minute read

This month we look at two research pieces: one on actinic keratosis and associated field cancerisation, and another providing a caution about new treatments that focus around radiotherapy. 

For further information on this topic, you may be interested to learn more about the HealthCert Professional Diploma program in Skin Cancer Medicine.

The first article (from Medicine Today) covers the fundamentals of actinic keratosis, with a straightforward perspective on treatment, including field treatments of widespread actinic keratosis.

Then, a second paper from MJA describes an uncommon but very important complication from radiotherapy used to manage actinic keratosis field cancerisation.

We need to be aware of the pros and cons of all the different treatment options that exist for our patients. 

- Prof David Wilkinson


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